Incident Details: 20141022090206001

Incident Date: October 22, 2014 09:52
Incident Successful: No
Location: Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Perpetrators: Michel Zehaf-Bibeau

Event Type: Armed Assault
Weapon Type(s): Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun)
Organization Type: Religious,

Suicide Attack: No
Hoax: No
Violent Extremism:
Doubt Terror: No
Target Information
1- Government(Government Buildings/Facilities)

Canadian Target: Yes
Canadian Victim: Yes
Canadian Perpetrator: Yes
By foreigners against foreign target(s) in Canada:

Victims: 0 fatalities, 1 injuries
Perpetrators: 1 involved, 1 fatalities, 0 injuries
Description: "10/22/2014: Afer fatally shooting a sentry at the National War Memorial (Cenotaph) in Ottawa, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau entered Parliament Hill's Center Block where he exchanged fire with House of Commons Security and RCMP officers. One security gard sustained an injury (shot in the foot), and Zehaf-Bibeau was fatally shot by the Sargeant-at-Arms. "
References: 1) "“RCMP Update on the October 22, 2014, Terrorist Attack in Ottawa. Royal Canadian Mounted Police, October 26, 2014."
2) "“Update on yesterday’s tragic events.” Royal Canadian Mounted Police, October 23, 2014."
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